8 important ideas when you learn Cantonese / Chinese

Learning Cantonese / Chinese as a foreigner can be a rewarding journey. To make the process more effective, consider the following steps and...

Friday, June 30, 2023

Tips for Foreigners Learning Cantonese / Chinese

When learning a language like Chinese as a foreigner, it's important to set clear goals and avoid obstacles that can hinder your progress. For instance, if your aim is to only speak Chinese and you don't need to write passages, you can focus on learning easy and practical grammar rules rather than spending too much time on advanced ones. If you have limited time, prioritize listening skills.

Language Elements:
- Start by mastering phonetics, especially tones, by listening to them more.
- Learn simple and functional grammar to construct sentences effectively.
- Acquire vocabulary that is relevant and important to you.
- If you want to learn to write Chinese characters. Focus on reading them, but not writing them, typing them using a computer, writing them in a basic form, and remembering radicals.

Language Skills:
1. Determine which language elements and skills you need to learn based on your motivations, such as family expectations, future work opportunities, work requirements, or personal interests. Different motivations may require different learning approaches and materials, such as integrated textbooks, visual aids, audio resources, or textbooks that prioritize oral skills.
2. To enjoy learning Chinese without getting frustrated early on, it's recommended not to overwhelm yourself with too many barriers at the beginner level. Here are some advice to help you progress gradually:

A true story: A friend from the US wanted to speak Chinese and chose to skip learning Chinese characters. After a few months of full-time study, she could converse with me in Mandarin. Although she focused on oral communication, some character recognition was still necessary. Relying solely on pinyin (romanization) can be uncomfortable when you can't read characters. However, using romanization is a helpful starting point to become familiar with the phonetic system.

In short, imagine yourself as "Super Mario" and strive to collect more flowers and stars to grow into "Super Mario" and run faster (earn more coins). Avoid obstacles that can hinder your progress. The key is to take steady steps forward.

How to Practice Language Skills:
- Focus on intensive language input, such as listening to audio materials or watching Mandarin and Cantonese movies. Consider immersing yourself in a Chinese-speaking environment, if possible. This will help you generate some level of output and gradually improve your speaking abilities.
- As a beginner, allocate more time to listening and relaxation. Don't rush into speaking immediately. Understand that you won't speak perfectly when you're just starting to learn a new sentence. Take it slow. When you comprehend what native speakers are saying, even if you can't respond instantly, you can still get by. Additionally, remember

Grammar and vocabulary
Mastering grammar and vocabulary in Chinese requires careful attention and effective strategies. Here are some tips to handle them:

1. Grammar Simplified: Chinese grammar can range from simple to complex, depending on how you approach it. Focus on functional grammar that makes sense for your language goals. Understanding commonly used sentence structures will greatly enhance your communication abilities.

2. Building Vocabulary: To expand your word power, prioritize listening and reading activities. Create a personal word bank by using tools like flashcards, Anki, or memorization apps. This method proved successful for one of my students who wanted to learn "housework" vocabulary to communicate with her Chinese in-laws. Find vocabulary relevant to your daily life and interests. For example, my husband is a big fan of Chinese dim sum, so he has a word bank specifically for ordering his favorite dishes. What vocabulary will you prioritize?

3. Importance of Vocabulary: Native speakers can often comprehend what you're saying even if you make grammatical mistakes. However, lacking sufficient vocabulary or struggling with tones can hinder understanding, even if your grammar is correct.

To summarize, set clear goals, remove obstacles, and focus on acquiring the language skills and elements you desire. Find efficient learning methods and engage in regular revision. Consider the following priorities:

- Character recognition is highly recommended but not writing them.
- Intensively expand your vocabulary.
- Emphasize functional grammar.
- Aim for tonal accuracy at the intermediate level.

Learning vocabulary can be enjoyable with tools like flashcards or mobile apps. Remember to read and listen extensively to enhance your word power and improve tonal accuracy.

This essay is a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions, corrections, or advice, please feel free to contact me at cantonesehome@gmail.com .

標題: 外國人學習粵語/中文的小貼士

當外國人學習漢語這樣的語言時,設定明確的目標並避免阻礙你進步的障礙很重要。 例如,如果您的目標是只說中文並且不需要寫文章,那麼您可以專注於學習簡單實用的語法規則,而不是花太多時間在高級語法上。 如果你的時間有限,請優先考慮傾聽技巧。


- 首先通過多聽來掌握語音,尤其是音調。
- 學習簡單實用的語法以有效地構造句子。
- 獲取與您相關且重要的詞彙。
- 如果你想學習寫漢字。 專注於閱讀它們,而不是書寫它們,使用計算機輸入它們,以基本形式書寫它們,並記住偏旁部首。

1. 根據您的動機,例如家庭期望、未來工作機會、工作要求或個人興趣,確定您需要學習哪些語言元素和技能。 不同的動機可能需要不同的學習方法和材料,例如綜合教科書、視覺教具、音頻資源或優先考慮口語技能的教科書。
2. 為了享受學習漢語的樂趣而不在早期感到沮喪,建議在初級階段不要讓太多的障礙壓垮自己。 以下是一些可以幫助您逐步進步的建議:

一個真實的故事:一位來自美國的朋友想說中文,但選擇跳過學習漢字。 經過幾個月的全日制學習,她已經可以用普通話和我交談了。 雖然她注重口語交流,但一些字符識別仍然是必要的。 當您看不懂字符時,僅依靠拼音(羅馬拼音)可能會很不舒服。 然而,使用羅馬化是熟悉語音系統的一個有用的起點。

簡而言之,把自己想像成“超級馬里奧”,努力收集更多的花朵和星星,成長為“超級馬里奧”,跑得更快(賺更多金幣)。 避免阻礙你進步的障礙。 關鍵是要穩步前進。

- 專注於密集語言輸入,例如聽音頻材料或觀看普通話和粵語電影。 如果可能的話,考慮讓自己沉浸在中文環境中。 這將幫助您產生一定程度的輸出並逐漸提高您的口語能力。
- 作為初學者,分配更多的時間來聆聽和放鬆。 不要急於立即發言。 要明白,當您剛開始學習新句子時,您的發音不會很完美。 慢慢來。 當您理解母語人士在說什麼時,即使您無法立即做出回應,您仍然可以應付自如。 另外,請記住

掌握漢語語法和詞彙需要細心的關注和有效的策略。 以下是處理它們的一些技巧:

1. 語法簡化:中文語法可以從簡單到復雜,取決於你如何處理它。 專注於對您的語言目標有意義的功能語法。 了解常用的句子結構將大大提高你的溝通能力。

2. 建立詞彙量:要擴大詞彙能力,請優先考慮聽力和閱讀活動。 使用抽認卡、Anki 或記憶應用程序等工具創建個人單詞庫。 對於我的一位想要學習“家務”詞彙以與她的中國公婆溝通的學生來說,這種方法被證明是成功的。 查找與您的日常生活和興趣相關的詞彙。 例如,我丈夫非常喜歡中國點心,所以他有一個專門用於點他最喜歡的菜餚的詞庫。 您會優先考慮哪些詞彙?

3. 詞彙的重要性:即使你犯了語法錯誤,母語人士通常也能理解你在說什麼。 然而,即使你的語法是正確的,缺乏足夠的詞彙量或語氣困難也會阻礙理解。

總而言之,設定明確的目標,消除障礙,並專注於獲得你想要的語言技能和元素。 尋找有效的學習方法並定期復習。 考慮以下優先事項:

- 強烈推薦字符識別,但不要寫它們。
- 集中擴大你的詞彙量。
- 強調功能語法。
- 以中等水平的音調準確性為目標。

使用抽認卡或移動應用程序等工具學習詞彙可以很有趣。 請記住廣泛閱讀和聆聽,以增強您的文字力量並提高語調準確性。

This essay is a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions, corrections, or advice, please feel free to contact me at cantonesehome@gmail.com .