8 important ideas when you learn Cantonese / Chinese

Learning Cantonese / Chinese as a foreigner can be a rewarding journey. To make the process more effective, consider the following steps and...

Friday, June 30, 2023

8 important ideas when you learn Cantonese / Chinese

Learning Cantonese / Chinese as a foreigner can be a rewarding journey. To make the process more effective, consider the following steps and tips:

1. Set Clear Goals: Decide on your language learning objectives. If your aim is to speak Chinese fluently without focusing on writing, then prioritize functional grammar and listening skills. For those with limited time, allocate it to practicing listening.

2. Understand Language Training: Language learning involves two aspects - language elements and language skills. Language elements include phonetics, Chinese characters, grammar, and vocabulary. Language skills encompass listening, oral communication, reading, and writing. For each section, you can learn differently, tips listed below.

3. Emphasize Listening: Listening is crucial for beginners. Spend ample time listening to Chinese audio, watching movies, or even immersing yourself in a Chinese-speaking environment if possible. Speaking will come naturally with enough listening practice.

4. Tackling Phonetics: Chinese is tonal, but don't be overly concerned about tones at the beginner level. Focus on essential vocabulary and sentence structures first. Tonal accuracy becomes more important as you progress to the intermediate level.

5. Handling Chinese Characters: Recognize common characters rather than focusing on writing strokes. Chinese input software can help you write characters on a computer or mobile phone. Familiarity with characters is key, and traditional characters may become more recognizable with practice.

6. Grammar and Vocabulary: Opt for functional grammar that suits your communication needs. Build your vocabulary based on your interests or daily life activities. Creating a word bank using flashcards or apps can be beneficial.

7. Enjoy the Journey: Avoid setting too many barriers for yourself, especially in the beginner stage. Progress step by step, and don't expect perfection early on. Learning Chinese can be enjoyable when you explore songs, poems, calligraphy, and other cultural aspects.

8. Regular Revision: Consistent revision is essential for language retention. Make character recognition a priority and practice intensive vocabulary learning.

Remember, everyone's learning journey is unique, so tailor your approach to your goals and interests. Learning Chinese requires patience and dedication, but it can be a gratifying experience that opens doors to new cultural experiences and opportunities.

Citation: Mostly from Professor 江新, 周健 in China, and 謝錫金 in Hong Kong.

Further reading: http://www.simplypsychology.org/bruner.html (Language Learning from Psychology Perspectives - the process of scaffolding)


作為外國人學習漢語可能是一次有益的旅程。 為了使該過程更加有效,請考慮以下步驟和提示:

1. 設定明確的目標:決定您的語言學習目標。 如果您的目標是說流利的中文而不是專注於寫作,那麼請優先考慮功能語法和聽力技能。 對於時間有限的人,可以將其分配給練習聽力。

2.了解語言訓練:語言學習涉及兩個方面——語言要素和語言技能。 語言要素包括語音、漢字、語法和詞彙。 語言技能包括聽力、口頭交流、閱讀和寫作。 對於每個部分,您可以學習不同的內容,下面列出了一些技巧。

3.強調聽力:聽力對於初學者來說至關重要。 花足夠的時間聽中文音頻、看電影,甚至如果可能的話,讓自己沉浸在中文環境中。 只要有足夠的聽力練習,口語就會自然而然地進行。

4. 解決語音問題:漢語是有聲調的,但初學者不要過分關心聲調。 首先關注基本詞彙和句子結構。 當您進入中級水平時,音調準確性變得更加重要。

5. 漢字處理:認識常用字,而不是專注於書寫筆劃。 中文輸入軟件可以幫助您在電腦或手機上書寫漢字。 熟悉漢字是關鍵,通過練習傳統漢字可能會變得更容易識別。

6. 語法和詞彙:選擇適合您溝通需求的功能語法。 根據您的興趣或日常生活活動建立您的詞彙量。 使用抽認卡或應用程序創建單詞庫可能會很有幫助。

7. 享受旅程:避免為自己設置太多障礙,尤其是在初學者階段。 一步一步進步,不要一開始就期望完美。 當你探索歌曲、詩歌、書法和其他文化方面時,學習中文會很有趣。

8. 定期復習:持續的複習對於保留語言至關重要。 將字符識別放在首位,並練習強化詞彙學習。

請記住,每個人的學習旅程都是獨一無二的,因此請根據您的目標和興趣定制您的方法。 學習中文需要耐心和奉獻精神,但它可以是一次令人欣喜的經歷,為新的文化體驗和機會打開大門。



Tips for Foreigners Learning Cantonese / Chinese

When learning a language like Chinese as a foreigner, it's important to set clear goals and avoid obstacles that can hinder your progress. For instance, if your aim is to only speak Chinese and you don't need to write passages, you can focus on learning easy and practical grammar rules rather than spending too much time on advanced ones. If you have limited time, prioritize listening skills.

Language Elements:
- Start by mastering phonetics, especially tones, by listening to them more.
- Learn simple and functional grammar to construct sentences effectively.
- Acquire vocabulary that is relevant and important to you.
- If you want to learn to write Chinese characters. Focus on reading them, but not writing them, typing them using a computer, writing them in a basic form, and remembering radicals.

Language Skills:
1. Determine which language elements and skills you need to learn based on your motivations, such as family expectations, future work opportunities, work requirements, or personal interests. Different motivations may require different learning approaches and materials, such as integrated textbooks, visual aids, audio resources, or textbooks that prioritize oral skills.
2. To enjoy learning Chinese without getting frustrated early on, it's recommended not to overwhelm yourself with too many barriers at the beginner level. Here are some advice to help you progress gradually:

A true story: A friend from the US wanted to speak Chinese and chose to skip learning Chinese characters. After a few months of full-time study, she could converse with me in Mandarin. Although she focused on oral communication, some character recognition was still necessary. Relying solely on pinyin (romanization) can be uncomfortable when you can't read characters. However, using romanization is a helpful starting point to become familiar with the phonetic system.

In short, imagine yourself as "Super Mario" and strive to collect more flowers and stars to grow into "Super Mario" and run faster (earn more coins). Avoid obstacles that can hinder your progress. The key is to take steady steps forward.

How to Practice Language Skills:
- Focus on intensive language input, such as listening to audio materials or watching Mandarin and Cantonese movies. Consider immersing yourself in a Chinese-speaking environment, if possible. This will help you generate some level of output and gradually improve your speaking abilities.
- As a beginner, allocate more time to listening and relaxation. Don't rush into speaking immediately. Understand that you won't speak perfectly when you're just starting to learn a new sentence. Take it slow. When you comprehend what native speakers are saying, even if you can't respond instantly, you can still get by. Additionally, remember

Grammar and vocabulary
Mastering grammar and vocabulary in Chinese requires careful attention and effective strategies. Here are some tips to handle them:

1. Grammar Simplified: Chinese grammar can range from simple to complex, depending on how you approach it. Focus on functional grammar that makes sense for your language goals. Understanding commonly used sentence structures will greatly enhance your communication abilities.

2. Building Vocabulary: To expand your word power, prioritize listening and reading activities. Create a personal word bank by using tools like flashcards, Anki, or memorization apps. This method proved successful for one of my students who wanted to learn "housework" vocabulary to communicate with her Chinese in-laws. Find vocabulary relevant to your daily life and interests. For example, my husband is a big fan of Chinese dim sum, so he has a word bank specifically for ordering his favorite dishes. What vocabulary will you prioritize?

3. Importance of Vocabulary: Native speakers can often comprehend what you're saying even if you make grammatical mistakes. However, lacking sufficient vocabulary or struggling with tones can hinder understanding, even if your grammar is correct.

To summarize, set clear goals, remove obstacles, and focus on acquiring the language skills and elements you desire. Find efficient learning methods and engage in regular revision. Consider the following priorities:

- Character recognition is highly recommended but not writing them.
- Intensively expand your vocabulary.
- Emphasize functional grammar.
- Aim for tonal accuracy at the intermediate level.

Learning vocabulary can be enjoyable with tools like flashcards or mobile apps. Remember to read and listen extensively to enhance your word power and improve tonal accuracy.

This essay is a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions, corrections, or advice, please feel free to contact me at cantonesehome@gmail.com .

標題: 外國人學習粵語/中文的小貼士

當外國人學習漢語這樣的語言時,設定明確的目標並避免阻礙你進步的障礙很重要。 例如,如果您的目標是只說中文並且不需要寫文章,那麼您可以專注於學習簡單實用的語法規則,而不是花太多時間在高級語法上。 如果你的時間有限,請優先考慮傾聽技巧。


- 首先通過多聽來掌握語音,尤其是音調。
- 學習簡單實用的語法以有效地構造句子。
- 獲取與您相關且重要的詞彙。
- 如果你想學習寫漢字。 專注於閱讀它們,而不是書寫它們,使用計算機輸入它們,以基本形式書寫它們,並記住偏旁部首。

1. 根據您的動機,例如家庭期望、未來工作機會、工作要求或個人興趣,確定您需要學習哪些語言元素和技能。 不同的動機可能需要不同的學習方法和材料,例如綜合教科書、視覺教具、音頻資源或優先考慮口語技能的教科書。
2. 為了享受學習漢語的樂趣而不在早期感到沮喪,建議在初級階段不要讓太多的障礙壓垮自己。 以下是一些可以幫助您逐步進步的建議:

一個真實的故事:一位來自美國的朋友想說中文,但選擇跳過學習漢字。 經過幾個月的全日制學習,她已經可以用普通話和我交談了。 雖然她注重口語交流,但一些字符識別仍然是必要的。 當您看不懂字符時,僅依靠拼音(羅馬拼音)可能會很不舒服。 然而,使用羅馬化是熟悉語音系統的一個有用的起點。

簡而言之,把自己想像成“超級馬里奧”,努力收集更多的花朵和星星,成長為“超級馬里奧”,跑得更快(賺更多金幣)。 避免阻礙你進步的障礙。 關鍵是要穩步前進。

- 專注於密集語言輸入,例如聽音頻材料或觀看普通話和粵語電影。 如果可能的話,考慮讓自己沉浸在中文環境中。 這將幫助您產生一定程度的輸出並逐漸提高您的口語能力。
- 作為初學者,分配更多的時間來聆聽和放鬆。 不要急於立即發言。 要明白,當您剛開始學習新句子時,您的發音不會很完美。 慢慢來。 當您理解母語人士在說什麼時,即使您無法立即做出回應,您仍然可以應付自如。 另外,請記住

掌握漢語語法和詞彙需要細心的關注和有效的策略。 以下是處理它們的一些技巧:

1. 語法簡化:中文語法可以從簡單到復雜,取決於你如何處理它。 專注於對您的語言目標有意義的功能語法。 了解常用的句子結構將大大提高你的溝通能力。

2. 建立詞彙量:要擴大詞彙能力,請優先考慮聽力和閱讀活動。 使用抽認卡、Anki 或記憶應用程序等工具創建個人單詞庫。 對於我的一位想要學習“家務”詞彙以與她的中國公婆溝通的學生來說,這種方法被證明是成功的。 查找與您的日常生活和興趣相關的詞彙。 例如,我丈夫非常喜歡中國點心,所以他有一個專門用於點他最喜歡的菜餚的詞庫。 您會優先考慮哪些詞彙?

3. 詞彙的重要性:即使你犯了語法錯誤,母語人士通常也能理解你在說什麼。 然而,即使你的語法是正確的,缺乏足夠的詞彙量或語氣困難也會阻礙理解。

總而言之,設定明確的目標,消除障礙,並專注於獲得你想要的語言技能和元素。 尋找有效的學習方法並定期復習。 考慮以下優先事項:

- 強烈推薦字符識別,但不要寫它們。
- 集中擴大你的詞彙量。
- 強調功能語法。
- 以中等水平的音調準確性為目標。

使用抽認卡或移動應用程序等工具學習詞彙可以很有趣。 請記住廣泛閱讀和聆聽,以增強您的文字力量並提高語調準確性。

This essay is a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions, corrections, or advice, please feel free to contact me at cantonesehome@gmail.com .

Tips : Creating a Relaxing and Exciting Learning Experience: Starting with a Good Conversation

Summary : 

Learning a new language doesn't have to be daunting. By prioritizing relaxation and excitement, we can make the process enjoyable. The planning session focuses on tailoring the approach to your learning style, selecting suitable materials, and exploring learning tools. We provide content that encourages learning and application in daily life. Our structured lessons allow for student-directed learning and self-reflection. We offer flexibility and support through a reschedule policy. Additional learning technologies, such as study log books and online flashcards, enhance the experience. Our goal is to create an enjoyable and effective language learning journey filled with confidence and communication. Embrace this opportunity and let's embark on this exciting journey together!


Learning a new language can sometimes be a daunting and stressful task. However, it doesn't have to be that way. In this article, we will explore how to make the learning process more enjoyable and relaxing right from the beginning. By emphasizing communication and personalized content, we can alleviate worries and stress commonly associated with language learning.

Planning Session: Tailoring the Approach to Your Learning Style

In the planning session class, we prioritize understanding your unique learning style and expectations for the course. We discuss suitable materials based on your needs, schedule study time, and explore various learning tools such as flashcards, audio, and video for self-study. By customizing the approach to fit your learning style, we set the foundation for a more effective and enjoyable learning experience.

Content That Encourages Learning and Application:

During the course, our focus is on providing content that encourages learning and is easily applicable in your daily life, work, or travel. We prioritize the most important language elements to avoid confusion and frustration while instilling confidence and enjoyment. You can rest assured that the content we cover will enable you to communicate effectively with native speakers.

Lesson Structure: Student-Directed Learning

Our lessons follow a structured flow that allows for student-directed learning and self-reflection. Before each class, you will have manageable homework or tasks to complete. During the class, we check pronunciation, practice tones, and engage in vocabulary and sentence construction drills to internalize and consolidate knowledge. The last part of the lesson is dedicated to recapitulation, homework instructions, and addressing any additional arrangements.

Reschedule Policy: Flexibility and Support

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we have a reschedule policy in place to accommodate changes. If you cannot attend a lesson, simply email us at least one day in advance, and we will work together to find a suitable alternative. In situations where rescheduling is not possible, we provide video materials for self-study to ensure continuous learning progress.

Example of a Lesson: Study Log Book

To give you a better understanding of what a lesson looks like, we provide an example of a study log book from one of our students. This log book showcases the lesson structure, including pre-lesson preparation and post-lesson homework. Through this example, you can visualize the practical application of the learning process.

Additional Learning Technologies:

We introduce various learning technologies to enhance your language learning experience. A Google shared folder and document are utilized for note-taking, vocabulary photo cards, lesson key points, and homework evaluation. Additionally, Quizlet, a free online flashcard system, is introduced to facilitate vocabulary memorization. These resources provide additional support and promote self-control in your learning journey.


By prioritizing relaxation and excitement in the learning process, we aim to create an enjoyable and effective language learning experience. Through personalized approaches, practical content, and a student-directed learning structure, we alleviate stress and foster confidence. Effective communication and flexible rescheduling policies ensure that your learning journey remains smooth and enjoyable. Embrace the opportunity to learn a new language, and let's embark on this exciting journey together!


概括 :

學習一門新語言並不一定令人畏懼。 通過優先考慮放鬆和興奮,我們可以使這個過程變得愉快。 規劃會議的重點是根據您的學習風格定制方法、選擇合適的材料以及探索學習工具。 我們提供鼓勵日常生活中學習和應用的內容。 我們的結構化課程允許學生自主學習和自我反思。 我們通過重新安排政策提供靈活性和支持。 其他學習技術,例如學習日誌和在線抽認卡,可以增強體驗。 我們的目標是創造一個充滿信心和溝通的愉快而有效的語言學習之旅。 抓住這個機會,讓我們一起踏上這段激動人心的旅程!


學習一門新語言有時可能是一項艱鉅且壓力很大的任務。 然而,情況並非一定如此。 在這篇文章中,我們將探討如何從一開始就讓學習過程變得更加愉快和輕鬆。 通過強調溝通和個性化內容,我們可以減輕與語言學習相關的擔憂和壓力。


在規劃課程中,我們優先了解您獨特的學習風格和對課程的期望。 我們根據您的需求討論合適的材料,安排學習時間,並探索各種學習工具,例如抽認卡、音頻和視頻以供自學。 通過定制適合您學習風格的方法,我們為更有效、更愉快的學習體驗奠定了基礎。


在課程中,我們的重點是提供鼓勵學習並易於應用於您的日常生活、工作或旅行的內容。 我們優先考慮最重要的語言元素,以避免混亂和沮喪,同時灌輸信心和樂趣。 您可以放心,我們涵蓋的內容將使您能夠與母語人士進行有效的溝通。


我們的課程遵循結構化流程,允許學生自主學習和自我反思。 每堂課之前,您都會有可管理的作業或任務需要完成。 在課堂上,我們檢查發音、練習聲調、進行詞彙和句子結構練習,以內化和鞏固知識。 本課的最後一部分專門介紹重述、家庭作業指導以及解決任何其他安排。


我們了解可能會出現不可預見的情況,並且我們制定了重新安排政策來適應變化。 如果您無法參加課程,只需至少提前一天給我們發送電子郵件,我們將共同尋找合適的替代方案。 在無法重新安排的情況下,我們提供自學視頻材料,以確保持續學習進度。


為了讓您更好地了解課程是什麼樣的,我們提供了一位學生的學習日誌示例。 這本日誌展示了課程結構,包括課前準備和課後作業。 通過這個例子,你可以直觀地看到學習過程的實際應用。


我們引入各種學習技術來增強您的語言學習體驗。 谷歌共享文件夾和文檔用於筆記、詞彙照片卡、課程要點和作業評估。 此外,還引入了免費的在線抽認卡系統Quizlet,以促進詞彙記憶。 這些資源在您的學習過程中提供額外的支持並促進自我控制。


通過優先考慮學習過程中的放鬆和興奮,我們的目標是創造愉快且有效的語言學習體驗。 通過個性化的方法、實用的內容和以學生為導向的學習結構,我們減輕壓力並培養信心。 有效的溝通和靈活的重新安排政策可確保您的學習之旅保持順利和愉快。 抓住學習新語言的機會,讓我們一起踏上這段激動人心的旅程!

Tips : Insights and Tips for Successful Language Learning

Summary : 

Regular practice is crucial for language retention. Integrate language learning into your routine and connect with motivated learners. Make sentences, learn vocabulary, find a quiet study space, memorize dialogues, and optimize learning time. Dialogue learning books are practical resources for real-life situations. Make language learning a part of your daily life and commit to it for meaningful progress.


As someone learning their fourth language, I have gained valuable insights from both the teacher's and student's perspectives. Having taught in international school in Hong Kong, I understand the challenges faced by students struggling with language learning. In this passage, I will share my beliefs about successful language learning and provide practical tips to improve and stay motivated.

1. Importance of Regular Practice:

Just as playing the piano requires daily practice, consistent language practice is essential to retain knowledge. Neglecting regular practice leads to forgetfulness. Therefore, if you choose to continue learning, make language learning a part of your daily life and commit to it.

2. Personalized Learning Approach:

To make language learning a meaningful part of everyday life, find ways to integrate it into your routine. For instance, if learning French, consider making it a part of your daily activities. Create a learning community by connecting with like-minded individuals online or joining language groups. Surround yourself with motivated learners who inspire and support your progress. Additionally, seek opportunities for immersive experiences, such as taking lessons in neighboring countries or participating in intensive courses.

3. Practical Tips for Language Learning:

- Practice making sentences to apply language knowledge effectively.

- Incorporate vocabulary learning into your routine, whether daily, every other day, or weekly.

- Find a quiet café where you can concentrate and study intensively.

- Emulate actors and actresses by memorizing dialogues to enhance speaking fluency.

- Optimize your learning time by acquiring knowledge quickly and embedding it deeply in your memory.

4. Applying Dialogue Learning:

Utilize dialogue learning books as a practical resource. For example, when needing to book a hotel room, memorize and record sentences like "Est-ce que vous avez une chambre?" or "Il faut que je récupère ma chambre réservée pour 5 jours à partir d'aujourd'hui." By internalizing such phrases, you can confidently navigate real-life situations.


Successful language learning goes beyond having the right materials; it involves determination, motivation, and consistent practice. By integrating language learning into your daily life, connecting with fellow learners, and following practical tips, you can make significant progress. Embrace the journey, track your progress, and remember that every effort contributes to your language proficiency.

Start implementing these tips and enjoy the rewarding experience of language learning!


概括 :

定期練習對於保留語言至關重要。 將語言學習融入您的日常生活中,並與積極主動的學習者建立聯繫。 造句子、學習詞彙、找一個安靜的學習空間、記憶對話並優化學習時間。 對話學習書籍是針對現實生活情況的實用資源。 讓語言學習成為您日常生活的一部分,並致力於取得有意義的進步。


作為學習第四語言的人,我從教師和學生的角度獲得了寶貴的見解。 我曾在香港school任教,了解學生在語言學習上遇到的挑戰。 在這篇文章中,我將分享我對成功語言學習的信念,並提供改進和保持動力的實用技巧。


正如彈鋼琴需要日常練習一樣,持續的語言練習對於保留知識也至關重要。 忽視定期練習會導致健忘。 因此,如果您選擇繼續學習,請讓語言學習成為您日常生活的一部分並全身心投入。

2. 個性化學習方法:

為了使語言學習成為日常生活中有意義的一部分,請想方設法將其融入您的日常生活中。 例如,如果學習法語,請考慮將其作為您日常活動的一部分。 通過在線與志同道合的人聯繫或加入語言小組來創建學習社區。 讓自己周圍充滿積極主動的學習者,他們會激勵並支持你的進步。 此外,尋找沉浸式體驗的機會,例如在鄰國上課或參加強化課程。

3. 語言學習實用技巧:

- 練習造句以有效應用語言知識。

- 將詞彙學習納入您的日常生活中,無論是每天、每隔一天還是每週。

- 找一家安靜的咖啡館,在那裡你可以集中精力學習。

- 通過記住對話來模仿演員,以提高口語的流暢性。

- 通過快速獲取知識並將其深深嵌入您的記憶中來優化您的學習時間。


利用對話學習書籍作為實用資源。 例如,當需要預訂酒店房間時,記住並記錄諸如“Est-ce que vous avez une chambre?”之類的句子。 或“Il faut que je récupère ma chambre réservée pour 5 jours àpartir d'aujourd'hui”。 通過內化這些短語,您可以自信地應對現實生活中的情況。


成功的語言學習不僅僅是擁有正確的材料; 它涉及決心、動力和堅持不懈的實踐。 通過將語言學習融入您的日常生活、與其他學習者聯繫並遵循實用技巧,您可以取得重大進步。 擁抱這段旅程,跟踪您的進步,並記住,每一次努力都有助於提高您的語言能力。


Tips : Simplifying Cantonese Tones and Romanizations for Beginner Learners

Summary : 

Learning Cantonese tones and romanizations can be overwhelming for beginners. In this passage, I emphasize the importance of practical language usage and minimizing confusion. By prioritizing real-life communication and actively using the language, learners can make faster progress and feel a sense of accomplishment. Romanization should be viewed as a tool, not a requirement, for understanding pronunciation. Immersion in daily phrases and relevant vocabulary allows learners to absorb the language naturally, even without extensive knowledge of romanization. The focus should be on enjoying the learning journey and making meaningful connections with Cantonese.


When it comes to learning Cantonese tones and romanizations, beginners often find themselves overwhelmed and confused by the various systems. In this passage, I aim to share my perspective on this topic, offering insights that can help learners enjoy the language rather than getting caught up in the complexities of different romanization systems. By avoiding confusion and focusing on practical language usage, learners can make faster progress and experience a sense of accomplishment.

1. Learn faster by minimizing confusion:

At the start of language learning, it's crucial to remove any major obstacles that could hinder progress. Instead of diving into complex romanization systems, prioritize building practical language skills that can be immediately used in everyday situations. By learning to form simple sentences and phrases for real-life communication, learners can stay motivated and develop a positive connection with the language.

2. The difference between using the language and knowing the language:

Rather than solely focusing on acquiring knowledge about the language, it is more beneficial to focus on actively using the language. By engaging in meaningful communication and completing tasks, learners can experience the true essence of language learning. This approach emphasizes practicality and enables learners to make immediate connections with the language, enhancing their motivation and understanding.

3. Romanization as a tool:

While romanization systems can be helpful, it is important to view them as tools rather than a prerequisite for language learning. Romanization aids in understanding pronunciation, particularly for sounds that are unfamiliar to learners. However, it is not necessary to fully grasp romanization in order to comprehend and produce accurate sounds. Learners can focus on mimicking sounds through listening and repetition, gradually developing pronunciation skills without relying solely on romanization.

4. Learning without romanization:

Even without in-depth knowledge of romanization, learners can still make progress in language acquisition. By immersing themselves in daily phrases, simple sentences, grammar, and vocabulary relevant to their needs, learners can absorb the language naturally. While romanization can provide additional support, learners can rely on their ability to memorize sounds and structures, similar to how babies acquire language skills.


By prioritizing practical language usage and minimizing confusion, learners can accelerate their progress in learning Cantonese tones and romanizations. While romanization can serve as a helpful tool for understanding pronunciation, it is not a prerequisite for language acquisition. The focus should be on using the language actively and engaging in real-life communication. By adopting this approach, learners can enjoy the journey of learning Cantonese and make meaningful connections with the language.

標題: 為初學者簡化粵語聲調和拼音


學習粵語聲調和拼音對於初學者來說可能會很困難。 在這篇文章中,我強調了實際語言使用和盡量減少混亂的重要性。 通過優先考慮現實生活中的交流並積極使用語言,學習者可以取得更快的進步並感受到成就感。 羅馬化應該被視為理解發音的工具,而不是必需的。 沉浸在日常短語和相關詞彙中可以讓學習者自然地吸收語言,即使沒有廣泛的羅馬化知識。 重點應該是享受學習之旅並與粵語建立有意義的聯繫。


在學習粵語聲調和拼音時,初學者常常會被各種系統弄得不知所措和困惑。 在這篇文章中,我的目的是分享我對此主題的看法,提供可以幫助學習者享受語言而不是陷入不同羅馬化系統的複雜性的見解。 通過避免混亂並專注於實際的語言使用,學習者可以取得更快的進步並體驗到成就感。

1. 通過最大限度地減少混亂來更快地學習:

在語言學習之初,消除任何可能阻礙進步的主要障礙至關重要。 與其深入研究複雜的羅馬化系統,不如優先培養可立即在日常生活中使用的實用語言技能。 通過學習構建簡單的句子和短語進行現實生活中的交流,學習者可以保持積極性並與語言建立積極的聯繫。

2. 使用語言和了解語言的區別:

與其僅僅專注於獲取語言知識,不如專注於積極使用語言更有益。 通過進行有意義的交流和完成任務,學習者可以體驗語言學習的真正本質。 這種方法強調實用性,使學習者能夠立即與語言建立聯繫,從而增強他們的動機和理解。

3. 羅馬化作為工具:

雖然羅馬化系統可能很有幫助,但重要的是要將它們視為工具而不是語言學習的先決條件。 羅馬化有助於理解發音,特別是對於學習者不熟悉的聲音。 然而,為了理解和發出準確的聲音,並不需要完全掌握羅馬化。 學習者可以通過聆聽和重複來專注於模仿聲音,逐漸發展發音技巧,而不僅僅是依賴羅馬化。

4. 無需羅馬化即可學習:

即使沒有深入的羅馬化知識,學習者仍然可以在語言習得方面取得進步。 通過沉浸在與自己需要相關的日常短語、簡單句子、語法和詞彙中,學習者可以自然地吸收語言。 雖然羅馬化可以提供額外的支持,但學習者可以依靠他們記憶聲音和結構的能力,類似於嬰兒獲得語言技能的方式。


通過優先考慮實際語言使用並儘量減少混亂,學習者可以加快學習粵語聲調和羅馬拼音的進度。 雖然羅馬化可以作為理解發音的有用工具,但它並不是語言習得的先決條件。 重點應該是積極使用語言並參與現實生活中的交流。 通過採用這種方法,學習者可以享受學習粵語的旅程,並與語言建立有意義的聯繫。


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Tips : Unlocking the Path to Effective Cantonese Learning: A Journey of Growth and Inspiration


Learning is a transformative journey that requires embracing diverse techniques, maintaining consistency, and overcoming challenges. The author shares insights on personalized learning approaches, the importance of regular practice, embracing imperfections, and utilizing learning log books for progress tracking. By adopting these strategies, individuals can unlock their full potential, support each other's growth, and experience the joy of continuous progress in their learning endeavors.


Learning is an incredible journey that fuels personal growth and unlocks new opportunities. As a teacher, witnessing the enthusiasm and dedication of my students fills me with joy. Together, we embark on a quest to discover effective techniques and strategies that enhance our learning experiences. In this article, I will share some valuable insights and practices that can empower individuals to become better learners.

1. Embrace Diverse Learning Techniques:

In our diverse group, I have observed students utilizing various learning techniques that suit their individual preferences. Some find mind maps to be a powerful tool for visualizing connections and concepts, while others carry a handy phrasebook to practice throughout the day. The key is to explore different approaches and find the ones that resonate with you, allowing for a more engaging and effective learning process.

2. Consistency is Key:

Consistent effort is the cornerstone of progress in any subject or skill. Just as you have demonstrated in our class, dedicating time and effort daily yields remarkable results. Embracing a regular learning routine, even for a short period each day, cultivates a habit of continuous growth and ensures steady progress towards your goals.

3. Overcoming Challenges:

Even as a teacher, I face my own challenges. I confess that I have a fear of doing exercises and playing the piano doesn't come naturally to me. However, the inspiration I derive from my students encourages me to persevere and push beyond my comfort zone. Remember, learning is not always about perfection; it's about embracing challenges, overcoming them, and celebrating the progress made along the way.

4. The Power of the Learning Log Book:

One technique that has greatly motivated me on my own learning journey is keeping a log book. It serves as a compass, guiding my focus and progress in various areas of study. Whether it's piano, French, or any other skill, the log book allows me to track my efforts, identify areas that need improvement, and hold myself accountable. It has become a constant reminder to persist and strive for excellence.


Learning is a dynamic and transformative process. By embracing diverse learning techniques, maintaining consistency, and facing challenges head-on, we can unlock our full potential as learners. As we continue this journey together, let's keep inspiring and supporting one another, for the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds. Remember, every step taken brings us closer to our goals. May your learning endeavors be filled with growth, fulfillment, and the joy of continuous progress.

Best regards,

Yuen Lou Si



學習是一段令人難以置信的旅程,可以促進個人成長並釋放新的機會。 作為一名老師,看到學生們的熱情和奉獻,我感到非常高興。 我們共同致力於發現有效的技術和策略,以增強我們的學習體驗。 在本文中,我將分享一些有價值的見解和實踐,可以幫助個人成為更好的學習者。


在我們多元化的小組中,我觀察到學生們利用各種適合他們個人喜好的學習技巧。 有些人發現思維導圖是可視化聯繫和概念的強大工具,而另一些人則攜帶一本方便的短語手冊來全天練習。 關鍵是探索不同的方法並找到與您產生共鳴的方法,從而實現更具吸引力和更有效的學習過程。

2. 一致性是關鍵:

持續的努力是任何學科或技能進步的基石。 正如您在我們的課堂上所展示的那樣,每天投入時間和精力會產生顯著的成果。 養成有規律的學習習慣,即使每天的學習時間很短,也能培養持續成長的習慣,並確保朝著目標穩步前進。

3. 克服挑戰:

即使作為一名教師,我也面臨著自己的挑戰。 我承認我害怕做練習,彈鋼琴對我來說並不自然。 然而,我從學生那裡獲得的靈感鼓勵我堅持下去並超越我的舒適區。 請記住,學習並不總是追求完美; 這是關於迎接挑戰、克服挑戰並慶祝一路走來所取得的進展。

4. 學習日誌的力量:

在我自己的學習之旅中,一項極大地激勵我的技巧就是記日記。 它就像一個指南針,指導我在各個學習領域的重點和進步。 無論是鋼琴、法語還是任何其他技能,日誌都可以讓我跟踪自己的努力,找出需要改進的領域,並對自己負責。 它不斷提醒我們堅持不懈、追求卓越。


學習是一個動態和變革的過程。 通過採用多樣化的學習技巧、保持一致性並直面挑戰,我們可以充分發揮學習者的潛力。 當我們一起繼續這一旅程時,讓我們繼續互相激勵和支持,因為對知識的追求是無止境的。 請記住,所採取的每一步都使我們更接近我們的目標。 願你的學習努力充滿成長、成就感和不斷進步的喜悅。


Learn with a teacher : planning session (updated 2023) - 2 mins reading

Hello and welcome to the exciting learning journey, 

Summary of this passage

During the planning session, we'll discuss your learning style, select suitable materials, schedule study time, and explore learning tools. In the course, we focus on providing language-rich content for practical use in daily life, work, or travel. We prioritize important content to instill confidence and enjoyment. After several months, adjustments may be made based on your learning style and expectations. Lessons include new words and sentence construction. The flow involves homework completion, in-class practice, and recapitulation. A 50-minute lesson consists of two sessions maybe with a break. Rescheduling is allowed with advanced notice. I have a passion for language teaching and hold a master's degree in teaching Chinese. I continue to learn myself and explore effective ways to improve learning experiences. A monthly course with weekly classes is recommended. Additional learning resources include Google shared folder, Excel documents, and Quizlet for vocabulary memorization. Effective communication is essential.

The details are below. 

"The learning process should be relaxing and exciting. Let's start with a good conversation to alleviate any worries and stress related to learning a new language.

In the planning session class, we will discuss the approach used for your unique learning style, identify your learning style, and share expectations for the course. For example:

1. We will determine suitable materials based on your learning needs.

2. We will schedule your study time, including the number of hours per week for homework or self-reading, as well as the number of lessons you require.

3. We will discuss learning tools such as flashcards, audio, and video for self-study.

In the course itself, we focus on several things. Since you may or may not have a language-rich environment where you live, we provide content that encourages learning and is easy to use. We will use learning content (phrases, sentences) that are unique to you and that you can immediately apply in your daily life, work, or travel.

In summary, we prioritize the most important content to avoid confusion and frustration, while instilling confidence and enjoyment. You can rest assured that you will be able to use the content to communicate with native speakers.

Please note that after several months of learning, the above may be modified based on a better understanding of your learning style and expectations. During each lesson, we will introduce 7-10 new words, and you will be able to construct 3-5 useful sentences.

A 50-minute lesson consists of two 20-25-minute sessions (optional), maybe with a short break in between for better consolidation of knowledge. The last 5 minutes of the class will be dedicated to recapitulation, instructions for homework (e.g., vocabulary memorization, listening, sentence construction, etc.), and other arrangements.

The lesson flow is as follows:

It is a student-directed learning (or self-reflected learning).

█(Step 1) Before class: Complete the assigned homework/tasks. Please note that the amount of homework will be manageable.

█(Step 2) During class: We will check pronunciation and oral skills, practice tones, vocabulary, and sentence construction drills to ensure that your knowledge is internalized and consolidated.

█(Step 3) Before the end of the class: We will recap the lesson and provide clear instructions for further consolidation through homework.

**Reschedule policy for both sides:

If you cannot attend the lesson, please email me to reschedule at least 1 day in advance.

If my schedule is full and no rescheduling can be accommodated, I will provide a video for your self-study.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Communication is the first step to enjoyable learning and teaching. See you soon.

About me:

I have a strong passion for language learning and teaching. I am currently learning a new language myself, so I understand the challenges of starting a new language, including confusion, frustration, and lack of motivation. I believe that language learning is about building a new habit, but you need to know the most effective ways to develop this habit. Once language learning becomes a habit, it will open up new horizons and opportunities, allowing you to express yourself in the target language.

I have a master's degree in teaching Chinese as a second language, and I am actively engaged in language teaching and research. I dedicate my entire day to language teaching and research. Even after class, I continue to learn new things, such as playing the piano and studying French, with the guidance of excellent teachers. I enjoy learning and explore every possible way to improve my learning experience and memory retention (I even stick my notes on the wall).


An example of a lesson can be illustrated through a study log book with one of my students. This log book showcases what a lesson looks like, including the "pre-lesson" preparation and "post-lesson" homework.

Note: After discussing the student's learning needs and setting a learning plan during the trial session, I recommend considering a monthly course for a comprehensive and effective learning process. A monthly course consists of four consecutive lessons. It is strongly suggested to have one class per week, especially in the beginning, as having a well-structured learning schedule is crucial for gradual improvement.


Other learning technologies: (Please note that these technologies require signing in or downloading an app to your cellphone.)

Google shared folder and excel document: This resource will be introduced during the trial session. It includes a document for note-taking, vocabulary photo cards, lesson key points, and homework for review and evaluation between each course.

Quizlet: This resource will be introduced at the end of the first lesson. Flashcards will be added during the class and not afterward. Students are encouraged to create their own flashcards (promoting a sense of control) using Quizlet, a free online flashcard system for vocabulary memorization. It is accessible on both PC and cellphones. If you use internet browsers, there is no need to install the app, but signing in is required. After each class, you will be provided with a link for practice.

Please feel free to explore these additional learning resources and don't hesitate to ask any questions. Effective communication is the first step towards an enjoyable learning and teaching experience.


在規劃課程中,我們將討論適合您獨特學習風格的方法,確定您的學習風格,並分享對課程的期望。 例如:



3. 我們將討論用於自學的抽認卡、音頻和視頻等學習工具。

在課程本身中,我們關注幾件事。 由於您居住的地方可能有也可能沒有豐富的語言環境,因此我們提供鼓勵學習且易於使用的內容。 我們將使用您獨有的學習內容(短語、句子),您可以立即將其應用到日常生活、工作或旅行中。

總之,我們優先考慮最重要的內容,以避免混亂和沮喪,同時灌輸信心和樂趣。 您可以放心,您將能夠使用這些內容與母語人士進行交流。

請注意,經過幾個月的學習,以上內容可能會根據對您的學習風格和期望的更好理解而進行修改。 每節課中,我們將介紹 7-10 個新單詞,您將能夠構建 3-5 個有用的句子。

一堂 50 分鐘的課程由兩節 20-25 分鐘的課程(可選)組成,中間或許有短暫的休息,以更好地鞏固知識。 課程的最後 5 分鐘將專門用於重述、作業指導(例如詞彙記憶、聽力、句子結構等)和其他安排。



█(步驟1)課前:完成佈置的作業/任務。 請注意,家庭作業的數量是可控的。




如果您不能參加課程,請至少提前 1 天給我發電子郵件重新安排時間。


如果你有任何問題隨時問。 溝通是愉快學習和教學的第一步。 再見。


我對語言學習和教學有著強烈的熱情。 我自己目前正在學習一門新語言,所以我理解開始一門新語言的挑戰,包括困惑、沮喪和缺乏動力。 我相信語言學習就是建立一個新的習慣,但你需要知道養成這個習慣的最有效的方法。 一旦語言學習成為一種習慣,它將開闢新的視野和機會,讓你用目標語言表達自己。

我擁有漢語作為第二語言教學碩士學位,積極從事語言教學和研究。 我一整天都致力於語言教學和研究。 即使下課後,我也在優秀老師的指導下繼續學習新事物,例如彈鋼琴和學習法語。 我喜歡學習並探索各種可能的方法來提高我的學習體驗和記憶力(我什至將我的筆記貼在牆上)。